Der Hobbit – etwas näher.


In a major step forward on “The Hobbit,” Guillermo del Toro has signed on to direct the New Line-MGM tentpole and its sequel.

The widely expected announcement came Thursday afternoon jointly from exec producers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, New Line president Toby Emmerich and Mary Parent, the newly named chief of MGM’s Worldwide Motion Picture Group.

Del Toro’s moving to New Zealand for the next four years to work with Jackson and his Wingnut and WETA production teams. He’ll direct the two films back to back, with the sequel which will deal with the 60-year period between “The Hobbit” and “The Fellowship of the Ring,” the first of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

New Line is overseeing development and will manage production. Both pics are being co-produced and co-financed by New Line Cinema and MGM, with Warner Bros. distributing domestically and MGM handling international.

Auch hat sich Del Toro selbst in dem Forum von geäußert.


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Eine Antwort zu „Der Hobbit – etwas näher.“

  1. […] die Produktion in trockenen Tüchern steckt, geht es noch voran mit der Verfilmung des Hobbit in zwei Teilen. Über den zweiten Film […]

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